Monday, September 24, 2012


Isn't weird how we have an obesity problem and an eating disorder problem?

Why is it  ok to murder a child in the womb when you could be sentenced to death for killing a child out of the womb?

We are told to be honest all the time but we are considered rude or a jerk if we tell someone they look horrible today or they don't have a great singing voice?

Living in Utah, if you are not married by 24 you are considered a spinster but every where else it's ok not to be married even in your thirties.

When we are little we are told everyone is a  winner but when you grow up you learn that not everyone can win.

Living in a world full of contradictions no wonder we have so many problems.

"Man in Black: Truly, you have a dizzying intellect." -PrincessBride


  1. Bonus points. She quoted the man in black.

  2. everyone cant win, otherwise what would be the joy in winning

  3. Love it. Like the different colors, plus you quoted The Princess Bride.

  4. You are going to go far in life. I don't see people thinking about this kind of stuff in this day and age. And by the way, I think you're my hero.
