On my sixteenth birthday I was way excited because that would mean I get to date. I could hardly wait because dating looked like so much fun from what I had seen from my older brothers. Well I turned sixteen and nothing...nothing happened. No boys were lining up outside my door to take me out. In fact people didn't believe I was sixteen. They thought I was twelve. Ouch!
What bothers me is that boys really don't ask on dates here in Utah. Yeah they ask to dances but not really outside of dances. And if they do ask outside of dances it is with their best friends. Yes dates with your best friends are fun but the whole point of a date is to get to know someone. You already know your best friend, that is why they are your best friend. What bothers me is that I moved in three years ago so I don't have tons of guy friends. Where I use to live people would ask each other on dates even though they were just acquaintences. What happened to that?
Another thing is that because guys don't ask, girls start asking guys on dates. I honestly think it is the guy's duty to ask girls on dates, called me old-fashioned but that is what I believe. I get that girls and guys should be equal blah, blah, blah but it isn't that hard to ask a girl on a date. And you do not have to do it in a big way. I prefer being asked on a date face-to-face. That way you can get the answer right away and you know exactly who you are going out with. But because girls are asking guys on dates they don't feel the need to ask. See what is happening here?
Anyway that is my rant and if you don't like it then don't read it.
"Will Turner: You cheated.
Jack Sparrow: Pirate."-Pirates of the Caribbean
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