Saturday, October 6, 2012

Childhood Dreams and Death

All of us had dreams when we were younger. Whether it was to be an astronaut, firefighter, a princess or a doctor. We all had those dreams. But somewhere along the way in life those dreams faded and we were hit with reality and it made us have to work hard. We forgot our dreams and then we are stuck in a boring job that isn't our dream. Why?

Then we are told we are going to die. Everything changes then. We decide then and there to get rid of realities cold hard grip on us and we decide to follow our dreams. Why is it that death has to be staring us in the face for us to want to follow our dreams again? Why don't we want them now when death is far away? Instead of waiting till death tries to take us, let's put our fears behind us and go back on that path that leads to our childhood dreams.

"Tony Stark: We gotta go. Come on, move with me. We got a plan, and we're going to stick to it.
Yinsen: This was always the plan, Stark...
Tony Stark: Come on, you're going to go see your family. Get up.
Yinsen: My family is dead, Stark... and I'm going to see them now. It's okay, I want this... I want this.
[Stark is silent for a moment]
Tony Stark: Thank you for saving me.
Yinsen: Don't waste it... don't waste your life, Stark.


  1. This post is sad. Yet you bring up a good point on following our dreams. I enjoyed the quote you ended with.

  2. I love how you end with quotes from a movie or book. My dreams seem to get crushed a lot. One thing I just have to say to everyone out there, don't get stuck with a job you don't like. The money is not worth a miserable life.

  3. "to get rid of realities cold hard grip on us and we decide to follow our dreams." stole it.

  4. up to that point in tonys life it was all about him
